Brooching: Identity and Gender

Brooching: Identity and Gender

Juried and Designed by Rachel and Katie Rearick

Exhibited at Ton Pottery in Pittsburgh, PA

From the Bronze Age through the Modern Era, the brooch is a piece of jewelry with an interesting history.  Not only has the object seen many lives in regard to form, function, and social status, it has transcended the boundaries of gender.  The intention of this exhibition is to offer artists a platform to express themselves; either through the lens of their craftsmanship or their personal identity.

Artists represented in the exhibition were:

Arielle Naranjo Brackett

Maria Camera-Smith

Tanya Crane

Jeffrey Lloyd Dever

Lena Marie Echelle

Kaitlyn L. Evans

Adrienne Grafton

Jennifer Hansen

Mia Jaeggli

Mary Frisbee Johnson

Allison Jones

Lauren Kalman

Katie Kameen

Andrew Kuebeck

Lorena Lazard

Ana M. Lopez

Andrew Lowrie

Adwowa Obeng-Osei

Maria Posada

Courtney Powell

Marissa Saneholtz

Tammy Schweinhagen

Gabrielle Wilkes

Dongyi Wu

Danni Xu.